Existence and Transcendence


The fiist film program in the pedagogy initiative Philosophy Through Film revolved around the connections between existence and transcendence. It included the following films:

Navigator, The (Buster Keaton, USA, 1924)

Diary of a Lost Girl (Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Germany, 1929)

Der letzte Mann / O Último dos Homens (F.W. Murnau, Germany, 1924)

Tōkyō Monogatari / Viagem a Tóquio (Yasujiro Ozu, Japão, 1953)

Ordet / A Palavra (Carl Th. Dreyer, Denmark, 1955)

I Confess (Alfred Hitchcock, USA, 1953)

Viridiana (Luis Buñuel,  Spain/Mexico, 1961)

Det sjunde inseglet / O Sétimo Selo (Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1957)

Vivre sa vie : film en douze tableaux  (Jean-Luc Godard, França, 1962)

La Notte / A Noite (Michelangelo Antonioni, Italy/France, 1961)

Teorema /Theorem (Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italy, 1968)

Crash (David Cronenberg, Canada/UK, 1996)

The Thin Red Line (Terrence Malick, 1998, USA)