Dina Mendonça

Website: www.mendoncaemotion.com
Email: dmendonca.ifl@fcsh.unl.pt

Research Interests

  • Emotion
  • John Dewey
  • Pragmatism


  • PhD Philosophy, University of South Carolina.
  • MA Philosophy of Education, Montclair State University.
  • Lic. Philosophy, Catholic University of Portugal.


  • (2009). "A Sabedoria das Emoções: Formas de Memória". Conferência Internacional sobre Memória e Sabedoria, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 9-11 Dezembro 2009.
  • (2009). "Emotion and Time". International Conference on Aesthetics of Emotion, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 26-27 Outubro 2009.
  • (2006). “Normativity of Emotions”. 3.º Encontro Nacional de Filosofia Analítica (ENFA3). University of Lisbon.
  • (2006). “Abduction and Emotional Processes: A Taxonomy of Emotional Processes in Scientific Discovery” (with Isabel Serra). Abduction and the Process of Scientific Discovery. University of Lisbon.
  • (2005). “Drawing the Person: Emotions and the Self”. Person and Society, Perspectives for the XXI Century. Catholic University of Portugal, Braga.
  • (2005). “Pattern of Emotion and Emotional Growth”. 2.º Encontro Nacional de Filosofia Analítica (ENFA2). University of Porto.
  • (2004). “Emotion in Dewey’s Democracy: The Political Character of An Experience”. Conference on “Politics and Emotions” by the Centre for Critical Theory. University of West of England, Bristol.
  • (2004). “Pattern of Emotion: Following a Deweyan Suggestion”. SPP-EUROSPP Conference. Barcelona.
  • (2003). “When Heads Happen: Exploring the Deweyan Conception of Mind”. SIFA 2003. Vietri.
  • (2003). “Philosophical Anatomy of Emotion (poster)” (with João Fonseca). III International Conference “Emotion and the Brain”. Lusophone University, Lisbon.
  • (2002). “Human Nature in the Making”. 5th Annual Conference for the Society for European Philosophy. Cork.
  • (2000). “Imaginação como Passagem Secreta da Experiência: Exposição da Imaginação no Pensamento Filosófico de John Dewey”. #37 Congresso dos Jovens Filósofos. Lisbon.
  • (1996). "À Espera do Eco: Sobre a Importância do Diálogo na Educação Ambiental" (with Susana Rodrigues). VIII Encuentro Hispano-Português de Formadores de Professores de Filosofia para Niños. Murcia.
  • (1996). “Matemática e Filosofia: Práticas Estimulantes” (with Isabel Serra). PROFMAT 96. Almada.
  • (1993). “Matemática e Filosofia, Um Diálogo Possível” (with Isabel Serra). PROFMAT 93. Ponta Delgada.


  • (2011). "Absolutely Positively Feeling that Way and More: Paradox of Fiction and Alexander`s Stories" in Philosophy and Children`s Literature (Editor Peter Costello), Lanham, Maryland: Lexington.
  • (2006). “Let’s talk about emotions”. Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children.
  • (2005). “Drawing the Person: Emotions and the Self”. Proceedings of “Person and Society, Perspectives for the XXI Century”. Catholic University of Portugal, Braga.
  • (2005). Review of Emotions: A Brief History, by Keith Oatley. Metapsychology Online Reviews.
  • (2005). Review of The New Brain: How the Modern Age Is Rewiring Your Mind, by Richard Restak. Metapsychology Online Reviews.
  • (2004). “Experience as Reason: Emotions and Values in the Construction of Rationality”. Trólei: Revista de Filosofia Moral e Política 4.
  • (2004). Review of Between Emotion and Cognition: The Generative Unconscious, by Joseph Newirth. Metapsychology Online Reviews.
  • (2004). Review of From Passion to Emotion, by Thomas Dixon. Metapsychology Online Reviews.
  • (2004). Review of The Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions, by Martha Nussbaum. Cadernos de Filosofia 14.
  • (2003). “Human Nature in the Making”. Cadernos de Filosofia 13, 29-41.
  • (2000). “Imaginação como Passagem Secreta da Experiência: Exposição da Imaginação no Pensamento Filosófico de John Dewey”. Proceedings of #37 Congresso dos Jovens Filósofos. Lisbon.
  • (1996). “Matemática e Filosofia: Práticas Estimulantes” (with Isabel Serra). PROFMAT 96. Almada.
  • (1993). “Matemática e Filosofia, Um Diálogo Possível” (with Isabel Serra). PROFMAT 93. Ponta Delgada.